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Csak az gyõzhet / The only winner

Harcba hív az élet,
megannyi jel.
Csak az gyõzhet,
ki akarni mer.

Szól ezernyi kérdés.
Miért? Hogyan? Mivel?...
Csak az győzhet,
aki felelni mer.

Veszíts, amikor
vesztened kell, mert
csak az győzhet,
aki veszteni is mer!

The only winner

The life calls you for fighting
with so many marks coming
but the only winner is
who doesn't afraid of wanting.

Thousands of questions
Why? How? What with? Where?...
and the only winner is
who is brave enough to answer.

Lose if it must to do,
sometime these things happen,
because the only winner
who can bear to be loser now and then.

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